The Fresh Seat

October 7, 2019

When people take care of business in confined restroom spaces, undesirable odors are often left behind. These smells are embarrassing for the person who left them, and they're off-putting for anyone who smells them. With the Fresh Seat, this undesirable aspect of nature's business is no longer an issue -- odors get trapped right in the bowl.

Other Ways of Addressing Restroom Odors are Insufficient

While there are other ways people try to mitigate undesirable restroom odors, all of them are insufficient in one way or another. For example:

  • Fans remove odorous air from a restroom, but slowly and only by drawing the air up from the toilet to the ceiling

  • Matches diffuse sulfur smells from going number two, but don't do anything for urine and aren't safe to leave around if children are in the home

  • Aerosol sprays mask odors, but must be re-applied repeatedly and have their own off-putting smells

  • Candles and plug-in scenters cover up odors, but don't actually remove the odors and aren't always located near the toilet bowl

  • Regular cleaning removes odors from dirty toilets, but does nothing to mitigate the smell immediately after someone goes

The Fresh Seat Effectively and Easily Eliminates Odors

The Fresh Seat is a patent pending invention that actually eliminates odors, and it does so efficiently and easily.

The seat itself functions like a standard toilet seat, but it has activated filters and a scenter built into the underside of the seat. As air rises out of the toilet bowl, it passes through the filters and the odor-causing molecules are trapped there. The air then goes through a scanner that automatically applies a pleasant smell to the air.

The result of this design is that odors get trapped right in the toilet seat and never come up to where people actually are. The only air that rises to where people can smell it is nicely scented.

Both Retail and Commercial Opportunities

As an invention that's as basic as the toilet seat, this product has both great retail and commercial potential. Many individuals and families would love a creation that will leave their home's bathrooms smelling nicer -- especially when company visits. Additionally, this has the potential to ensure public restrooms smell a whole lot nicer even when lots of people use the.

Available for License and Manufacture

The Fresh Seat is patent pending and ready for manufacturing or licensing. To learn more about this invention and its potential, contact us.